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and i quote

"Are you on our side and want to be different or are you on their side and want to throw a football at my head." -Gerard Way

Are your pants on the ground? :\

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

wow i am so evil to myself

so i went to bed at like 7:00 this morning and still i unable to get myself to sleep past noone amaze mysleef some times bahhhhhhhhhh. MLIC

ohhh new website membership

i just joined WOOOTT kinda lame though noone speaks to me :\ awell yvonne is off to disney world today with friends and then tomorrow i am with daniel hopefully :DD woot disney :] MLIC

my puppy :]

she likes gummy bears but only the red ones :] i have taught her well  :] MLIC

being sick sucks

right now i am coughing more than i am breathing :[ MLIC


just now while i was sneezing i thought about how amazing it would be if i said pika before i sneezed it didn't work while writing this blog i needed to sneeze again it worked twice.......... success?..... i think so :] MLIC


it's 4:20 in the morning and i am waiting for it to get late enough in he day to call Daniel and ask him if he wants to go to disney world............................. ......... shiver 0_o aw well soooooooooo...... hmmm my favorite animal is a buffalo and i am reall y bored i am 15 and i want to be known all over the world for something anything . hmm but what ever i am content with my life at the moment go read MLIA and be happy :] cuz i am MLIC


today i searched my name on google to see if my facebook woul dpop up it did the first time i hit enter but not the second i feel cheated MLIC time 3:01 :] i love night owls :] MLIC

Monday, December 28, 2009


this is the most amazing MLIA post ever :D "Today, my mom fell asleep while watching zathura. She randomly woke up and said "Damn, she was a hoe even before twilight...Cedric better get tested." and then went right back to sleep.sometimes I think my mom reads my mind. MLIA" MLIC

well then

today at 12:00 something  at night  the boy downthe street named tanner rang the door bell i proceded to go outside with the dog to tell him to go away and he told me that i was "looking particularly sexy" so i said " um thank you" he then proceded to toell me he was going to his girl friends house to have sex with her (as if i needed to know) i said "ok well ger house is back there" ( i know her) he then asked me if i would have sex with him? hmmm i'm thinking he has commitment issues.....hmmmm what do you think. after i called him a man whore he started to ask me if i would have sex with him for this or for that and i said no every time. it astounds me how distugsting his mouth can be. and whats worse then that is that he shot my dog ( koguma) with an airsoft gun. she was freaking out the rest of the way home. i don't hate anyone, i may dislke the things that you do, but i can honestly say that i don't hate alot of people, however i can also say honestly.................... tanner i hate your guts MLIC

mystery google epic win

i typed in mission on mystery google today and it sent me to an npr page titled "what should i do with my life." mystery google you epic win. MLIC

amazing discoveryy!1 :D

today i discovered blog that is entirely made up of peoples funny stories of ther day to day life it's so funny you should check it out :D it makes me happy :] go queck it out it's amazing i promise. MLIC


for christmas i went to my aunts house i got everything i wanted mostly becuase i went with my mommy when she was buying everything except for the wii version of cooking mama she got me. On christmas day yvonne got a sock monkey and we all discovered that sock monkeys have mouths on there butts :3 later that night my mommy turned to me with the sock monkeys head next to her cheek and shouted "nigger lips". that was a life altering moment kinda like the moment that i fond out santa clause wasn't real, except this time i didn't feel violated :]. that is the only time i will ever hear her say the word nigger. wow she makes me happy :]